Monday, November 12, 2012

God Answers Prayers (again) - Learning Tagalog!


This was the Dilemma...
Over six months ago, Lynnette and I had to stop our Tagalog classes that we were taking because it was too far from our new home which was closer to our church. It was killing me inside because I really enjoyed the classes and was learning a lot. We discovered that there was another Tagalog language school nearer to our new place, but because of the much higher cost it wasn't something we could sign up for. 

A few months went by and I really felt like God was leading me to take these classes so I shared it with Lynnette, but when we looked at our budget, we simply needed the money for other basic things. And even if extra money came in, we would need it to cover our expenses since we are short each month. So, I did my best to start learning on my own, but even my Rosetta Stone software stopped working on me. To make it even more painful, I met a missionary here from Canada who went to that same Tagalog language school near our place, and after a year and a half he is pretty much fluent, it was pretty inspiring to hear him speak, but I have to admit I was envious. But I knew that the money wasn't there so I just continued to pray for God to make a way. 

Just a Side Note...
Recently I've been really getting into video, and I had the opportunity to donate time to do a promotional video for a non-profit organization called Samaritana (an incredible Christian organization that ministers to women in prostitution). My hope is to be able to tell more stories of others through video to help their cause. Fortunately they really liked it, and I was excited because I had at least one video in my portfolio to promote my services. 

A long shot...
So, back to the Tagalog language school story. I decided to email the school to let them know that I didn't have the funds to take classes, but asked if they were willing to do a trade of services. I could do a promotional video for them (and web work too if they needed) in exchange for them to teach me Tagalog. I sent them that one video in my portfolio. I thought it might be a long shot, but it was worth a try since I had nothing to lose.

The God factor...
The school emailed me the same day and in it they were praising God because they really felt this was an answer to their prayers. First, they've been wanting to do a promo video, but never had the resources or funds to do it. Second they've been needing help with their website but couldn't afford someone to help them. Praise God, because my prayers were answered too! Its awesome how God works! Here are two things that I am passionate about getting better at, video and Tagalog - and God put them come together in one beautifully wrapped package.


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